The Blogger is a magnificent beast.
They don’t have any distinctive markings. They don’t have any unique mannerisms. I doubt you could spot them in a crowd. But if you get talking to them, they’ll mention the B word. It’s their passion. It’s their thing.
Some use it as therapy. Some use it to connect. Some turn it into a business. Some turn it into an art. The common thread being they have turf where they can be who they are.
More importantly, The Blogger is a person who has discovered their voice. They have also discovered that someone wants to hear it. Comforted that somewhere in this world there might be someone is willing to read and connect with what they have to offer.
I blog because I love words. I love playing with them to express myself. I started blogging because I wanted to get over my stage fright of The World reading my words. I wanted to discipline myself to write regularly. I also hoped that this process would help me be a stronger writer and a person. So far, all boxes ticked.
This also sums up why I blog:
I consider the best blogging to be fresh insightful writing, with a twist. The twist I’m looking for is an ability to give voice to emotions. I want to be moved. Good writing changes the chemicals in my brain. It switches me on. It motivates me. It drives me.
So it’s no surprise that the blogs which appeal to me most are writers.
The blogs that fall into this category are:
Naomi Bulger: Messages in Bottles – Magic realism is Naomi’s genre. She’s written a book, she writes imaginatively, and I’m privileged to have known her since we were young students in our 20’s. (Funnily enough we spent less time studying and more time being dreamy writers back then!).
Wanderlust – Kristin is amazing, real and wise. And I love the way she observes life.
Ink Paper Pen – Gill is a fabulous storyteller. Her blog is all about writing and she graciously hosts a weekly writing link up.
Edenland – Eden is a thing of beauty that you just sit back, exhale and go WOW. My respect for her is enormous. Only recently have I had the guts to comment on her blog. Eden has inspired me to write better. Do better. Be better.
The magnificent beast tends to seek out other magnificent beasts. We find community in each other. We find a posse. We support each other in this crazy blogging caper. We understand the angst of thrashing out a post, the satisfaction of hitting the publish button, and the bliss of receiving comments. We like to be heard.
So it’s about connection. You can write well, but if there’s no connection and no warmth, then I don’t stick around. There is a group of bloggers that I treasure. They are beautiful women who have huge hearts. They loyally read my posts (even the very bad ones). They are very gifted, have great insight, and I look forward to reading their blogs every week. I’m honoured that they’re in my posse.
Let me introduce you to:
Grace – With Some Grace
Lee – Mummy Issues Part 2
Veronica – Mixed Gems
Sara – Star-bright Gulls
And then there’s the bloggers that are friends that I knew from before blogging. They helped me out a lot when I first started. They are so good at what they do. They are: Shae – Yay for Home, Kate – Picklebums, and Kate – Kate Says Stuff. We all live in the same neck of the woods. So many bloggers in one area… it must be the air we’re breathing!
The great thing about blogging is that you discover more and more beautiful blogs and people as you go. I wish I had time to be full time blog reader and comment all day. Maybe one day someone will pay me a trazillion dollars to do that.
In the meantime, on with blogging!
* Linking up with Edenland’s Fresh Horses.
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